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After a few months here is a new Draw this in your style drawing. I see a lot of them in my social media every day but I've chosen to do this because i love the style of the author, loigiu_lostelac. He draws nice and pretty girls with a simple but rich style and what i also like is that all the girls are always barefoot!
There are two version of this drawing: the first one is that i prefer, the second one it's nice too but there's something in the perspective that doesn't work, in my opinion, but not something so obvious i cant show it to you. The last one is the original work from his author.

If you're on instagram, i warmly suggest you to follow him!



Leland Gleason

They all look great, very fun work. 😄 The way the left foot twists opposite the knee joint is the only thing I could see as far as perspective being imperfect.