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As i told you some days ago, I'm going to start a new challenge in April, the ABCFanart challenge! Every week i'm going to draw a character whose name start with a different letter of the alphabet. I will start with the A, of course: now it's to you to tell me which character with the A I have to draw. 

Some simple rules for you:

if your character has first name and last name, the effective name matching with the current letter is the first name, so if there are more than one characters sharing the same last name i could do both. Same for the title a character can have, that one it's irrelevant. For example, Princess Daisy is under letter D.

They can be female, male, trans, what you want. Of course, considering the contents of this site you can imagine there will be a majority of female characters, but sometimes i could do an exception.

I'm not going to do poll to choose the characters. I will take those i like to draw, regardless the number of time a character is suggested.

That's all, start suggesting the first character with the letter A!



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