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wishes in these holiday times are very important, especially when there are some distances or it's impossible to stay close. So even getting a picture like this from your love can warm your heart and make you feel better.
There were times in the past years i would have wanted to get them too, since it wasn't possible to stay close to my significant other. So i can understand how hard can be to feel alone in these days when you are surrounded by people and you are almost forced to smile and to pretend to being happy.

I hope from the depth of my heart you can spend these days with the people you love or at least have some warming messages like the one i've drawn! ;)

By the way, the exclusive content of tomorrow is postponed to Friday, tomorrow there will be a new Jucika comic!





Sandchan Casali

Nooooo voglio il clindoro impacchettato!!!! Ahahahah Ohhhhh Jucika wow! Non vedo l'ora! ! ! 🤓🤓🤓🤓