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I don't like to start the new year complaining, but the screenshot you see is self explaining, if you manage a Patreon like me.

This is what happens when you have fake patrons who subscribe and don't  pay. probably they're bots, they always have a gmail account and you can recognize them because you'll find they always support only you here on patreon. I already knew about this shit and i had yet some of those fake accounts, not more than 1 or 2 per month. 

On december they were 10, that means 20$, they're not big numbers, but it's relevant for my earnings here, it's 1/5 of my normal monthly earning.
I already said i wanted to switch to the upfront charging to avoid this shit, but i cannot find it in my options! I know it's in beta testing, but until yesterday i didn't had a problem with fraud accounts, but now i have it. I'll contact Patreon staff and i'll explain them my problem.

And some minutes ago i had a new 2$ subscription from a guy without avatar and he's only supporting me.
What am i supposed to do? I could send him a message to thank him and wait for an answer, so i could have a reason to think he's not a bot.
Ok, it's a thing i could do but it's not a solution. Patrons could not read every day patreons message, so i could remove real people for not answering me. 

I strongly hope Patreon allow me to switch to the upfront charge.

Sorry for the long post.



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