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And here is another sequel to the new Charlie strip!
I cannot miss the occasion to draw Marla and Charlie together having fun!
By the way it's the first time you see them playng together (except the last strip)!
And it was so fun drawing them as Street Fighter characters! God bless wireless controllers that simplified a lot artists' life given that you don't have to draw all those wires and cables! :D

here is the video of the making of. As you can see I starting drawing Chun Charlie e Cammy Marla in a different position... maybe i will try again with that because it was very nice: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7n19blufimwm8dkqy29w2/charlie-marla-gaming.mp4?rlkey=goao1iscpu30idv2g9dojvem0&dl=0



Devin Dickie

PRICELESS... It's like a black mirror episode in cartoon form