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Before you believe what i wrote in the title, stop, it's not true. Charlie is going to watch Eurovision 2024 at her home, on tv!
But, hey it's that week of the year when we European go crazy for the most viewed song contest in the world! Not only, if we don't consider sports, this is the most watched show in the whole world.
I personally see Eurovision as that moment when we stop belonging to a single state and are all Europeans, compare ourselves, laugh at our quirks and support each other. In fact, I cannot vote for my country's song, but I can only vote for other contestants' songs.
Plus, it's a triumph of kitsch, a factory of memes and funny gifs to use for the rest of the year, in short, an event we always look forward to. You forget the songs after a week (not always in my case, I still hum some after years), but the atmosphere of the finals is always crazy! Check it out if you get a chance, it's also streaming live on Youtube if you can't find it on traditional TV channels. Everyone get ready to sing and be sure to give 12 points to Charlie!

here's the time lapse video of the drawing: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/26mvpr6cjgokzno6j4m3w/charlie-eurovision2024.mp4?rlkey=8ua2zd4yh4h9yp7k5l4t3l35o&dl=0



Amy Danger

no support for eurovision while the settler colonist aparthide ethno "state" is in the line up

Pierpaolo Di Camillo

The comics strip "Wannabe" is doing an Eurovision arc. I really recommend it. It's on GoComics, the author is italian, the three characters are really nice and the two female characters are extremly cute.