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here is a new sequel to the last Charlie's strip!
Charlie's cooking show format is a win-win, because whichever the result is, she can upload it on the right site and have a lot of likes and enthusiastic audience!
A little note here for the detail of the condom on the vegetables: it doesn't happen here, but a lot of times when I draw these food play scenes, I get some comment about the dangerous practice that food insertion can represent for women's health, this is true, because on raw and fresh vegetables can be a lot of dangerous bacteria, very dangerous for your sexual organs.
Despite all my disclaimers about the humoristic-fictional nature of this strip, there always is someone remarking this, probably they do the same when they see Tom using TNT on Jerry, complaining that it's dangerous for a cat catching a mouse with TNT. Then this time I remembered to draw a condom on vegetables, so in case they keep commenting that way i can give them a bad reply without feeling guilty for it :D

Here is also the time lapse video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/mus5r1sf2z2auc2yokp41/charlie-jucika-vegetables.mp4?rlkey=8cr9ij9jipmu3ab2j20rhirhd&dl=0




A the veggies are now delicious!


I am curious about the Episode 2 😈🤤