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Since you liked a lot the first post with the caught husband, I made another one.
Today the wife joined the fun and she definitely likes this kind of situations! As you can see the fun is far from being over!

After your enthusiasm for the first post, i decided to do a sequel. Someone asked for a comic; i don't have so much time to draw comics now, i'm just able to draw a strip of Charlie every week and it's enough. What i can do is drawing sequential scenes like this. It's not a comic but if I manage to do a good number of them, by putting them all together it's like having a short story!

here is the time lapse video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/q7dxmxsack0udb00wv0fl/caughthusband2.mp4?rlkey=mx9n1q8ghr2ohyafnp2nmo5ji&dl=0




I'm jealous😈😇