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How much wisdom in my contents!

Jokes aside, while I was drawing this pinup I realized the line spoken by the girl can be intended in 2 ways: she could talk of her tattoo, because even though she has “Slut” tattooed it doesn’t mean she is so, but she could also talk more generally about her appearance: despite its cover (her cock) she is a girl. I like also this meaning also because on the other platforms where I post these works I always have some smart guys who feel the need to write that they are not girls but boys.

of course this won’t make change these idiots’ minds, but I like that, without willing it, I found a nice message in a drawing made with no initial purpose.

Here’s the video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m1tscmm31g2pl5qu8cyo6/bookbycover.mp4?rlkey=hd80m9n69bunaq1am11om2g5d&dl=0
