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Alright, since you guys keep asking

Here's the first look at the Seany Plushie

I've been working with one of the 2 plushie manufacturers recently for the past 3 months, through countless of modifications and 4 different prototypes.

And finally, it's done

This is the current look of the Seany Plushie.

I might put it up for sale as merchandise next year, but I want to know if people actually want to buy it and not spend lots of money mass-producing it without it being sold.

Or I could have them as Patreon Reward, maybe for those who are currently Active and have been supporting me for 6 months on Tier 4 (30$) or have their Life time support over 180$ in any tier.

What do you guys think?





Awwwwwh I'd get one; looks cute and soft

Matt A

That is honestly a very very nice plushy and it's quality alone is tempting


From my experience with YouTuber merch, they usually setup a preorder system. Once enough people have sent in their payments, you manufacture the merch. If you don't reach your goal, you refund all the people who purchased it.


> What do you guys think? I think I don't qualify for either of those and thus cannot obtain one if you go by that criteria :VanCri:


I'm tier 2 and I've only tossed like $120 at your patreon so far :pensivewobble:


i'll get one


I'd absolutely get one