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Burnt-out shop keeper with strange flappy bird-inspired pet meets sly porcine engineer. Yes yes, more OC content! This render has been haunting me in my drafts for a while now but today I finally sat down and filled out the background with all sorts of details based on an urban fantasy setting I am worldbuilding.

It's my characters Vic (person on the left) and Rachel (lil pig on the right) striking a deal of sorts. What kind of deal, you may ask? Hmm... I won't be able to tell you just yet, but hopefully I can share their stories with you one day. These OCs are very old and I am planning to make a webcomic for them along with a couple other characters (yes Pen is gonna be there too), but progress on it has been... very slow, as I have mostly been focusing on 3D fan animations lately (might create a separate BTS post just on that for you guys at some point). But I definitely wanna continue working on it some more once I have worked through most of my ongoing 3D project ideas.

I have attached some old art to this post so you guys can get a feel of their original designs (man I really need to update those). They aren't meant to be 3D but since I've already 3D-fied them a couple years ago I thought it wouldn't hurt just messing around with them in Blender again and coming up with 3D translations based on what I am planning to show in the webcomic, like little snippets of sorts. Hope you guys like it!




Ooo really cool!! If I had to guess, I’d say she’s making a deal for a new arm like the refs maybe ^^ considering she’s an engineer and all lol Love seeing em side by side with the references and and expressions lol. Excited to see more of em!


Thank you so much, I'm happy to hear youre interested in seeing more of them!! 💙 Not quite in this case, it's something else but you bet the arm topic will be explored as well, so your guess is still accurate. Im happy to hear you also like my old ref scribbles lol, I see them now and I wince a little bit since they are so old and in dire need of updating but I am happy to hear you enjoy em!! Thought it'd be interesting to share those to see the whole scope of em haha


Really great characters and set design! I love seeing all the images from concept to final!


Thank you so much Padrian, really glad to hear you enjoyed those bits!! 🙌