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Lots of new renders and animations coming soon guys! I love these characters so naturally I just had to make their dark world versions as well.

I wanted to go for a frostmancer-mage look for Noelle rather than just giving her a regular dress, so I went for a sort of combo of both with some extra details like the buttons and little bell on the bow. As for Berdly, I reimagined him to look like a sci-fi version of a medieval axe user with a sprinkle of Falco from Starfox as suggested by his sprite (I struggled so much since he required a lot of hard-surface modeling lol). I assume his dark world outfit is supposed to be a deliberately over-the-top combination of a bunch of different game genres (the armor/axe from fantasy games, the sci-fi elements and the Starfox-esque appearance). 

This time I actually recorded a modeling timelapse of me refitting my existing Noelle and Berdly rigs with their dark world versions in Blender, showing all steps from modeling to shading/texturing to rigging, which I am still in the process of editing for YouTube. Hope that's something you guys are interested in seeing! 




I really like how you made the stylised magic effects here! Beautiful renders 👌😌


thanks so much Clyz, much appreciated!! 💙 I did the magic effects with curves which I decimated with a modifier


These look so amazing!


thanks, glad you like these!! I rly wanna do an animation with their dark world forms at some point