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Listen, there’s a Hawkeye in the piece, the situation has to be falling from a building, I don’t make the rules.

I think the only way Kate could have a chance against Nico is if it’s hand to hand, probably keeping her busy with something else happening and Kate’s smart enough to realize this pretty fast, so what better than a bomb arrow and fall off a building?  It just makes sense.

Played a lot with the colors and the blur to really make this pop up, keeping the focus on their faces while your peripheral vision catches the movement everywhere else.

As always, you can download the wallpapers from the post or get them from our collection here.

Remember this is early access, so if you want to reshare or post the piece, please wait until I post it for the public in the week.

Starting to work tomorrow on Halloween pieces! There will be an original piece and a fan art (might in sneak a poll for this one?). BTW, remember to back up the And They Were Monsters kickstarter if you like monster, spooky, gay, spicy art!!!

All the love.
