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Sometimes she’s stuck in the 80s and sometimes she’s a gen Z fashion influencer, you never know.

Not sure why but Polaris is the only character I draw differently every single time. I usually have very define traits or features for each character, but not for Lorna, so I just go with whatever feels fitting for the current piece, which is fun but also kinda weird?

Anyway, for her style I just thought of mixing a bit of 70s and a bit of soccer mom vibes, don’t ask me why, it just is.

As always, you can download the wallpapers from the post or get them from our collection here.

Remember this is early access, so if you want to reshare or post the piece, please wait until I post it for the public next week.

Currently working on commissions (still one slot available if someone’s interested btw). I’ll probably post WIPs the saturday and this week’s Naked but Jacket the Sunday.

See ya this weekend, good luck on these couple days left!

Edit: Also!! For the dominions and seraphims: remember there’s a new NSFW poll going on right now! Scroll and vote on the post right below this one if you haven’t.

All the love.



Alex Batts

Always love your Lorna, even if her likeness is a bit different she always feels distinctly her Also, killer outfit choice


I love the hair and expressions in your art. Top notch stuff as always!