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Did you get your exercises in and drink water today? Thought so.

This was a rollercoaster, I made a couple other of sketches and you can see they’re very advanced! But they didn’t fully convince me so I just scrapped and started again. Loved the final so much tho, once I found the perfect idea it was all smooth and finished in about 4-5 hours, which is crazy even for me tbh.

As always, you can download the wallpaper from the post or get it from our collection here.

Remember this is early access so if you want to reshare or post the piece, please wait until I post it for the public this week.

Btw, Betsy & Rachel won the NSFW Poll! Might post a WIP of that piece in a day or two. Also worked on a couple OC pin ups I’m planning on finishing and posting by te end of the week.

Well, that’s it for today, see ya.

All the love.



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