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Hey y’all.

I finally found enough energy to finish this amid all the things happening in my country. For those who don’t follow my social media pages, people are protesting in the streets all across the country because of a clear electoral fraud committed by the sitting regime and they’re oppressing the people in the streets.

I’m updating everything going on both on twitter and instagram btw.

Ironically enough, I started this piece days before this started and it portrays an apocalyptic situation happening right behind Kara whose just…distracting herself? Lol.

Anyway, I’ll keep y’all updated on what and how I’m doing through community chat, but I’ll try to put myself together and finish the piece for the winner of the auction commission and post it here.

All the love.




Amazing work… and also stay safe! been keeping tabs on the Venezuela situation through your posts and seems truly crazy.

Jamie B

Horrible to read about what's been going on, hope you're doing okay given the awful circumstances. Fantastic piece as always :)


Ayyy so good!!!