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Ciao Ragazzi!

Since many of you would like a live broadcast, I tried to find a time that was affordable for all of you, even though I know that surely someone will be penalized and I'm sorry for that!

However, the time that in my opinion is the most appropriate would be 5pm (17.00) GMT+1 (Torino time, Italy).

Here are the times around the world:

LA 8am

NYC 11am

London 4pm

Turin 5pm

Kyiv 6pm

Beijing 11pm

Tokyo 00am

What do you think? I don't think I can find a timetable that is more useful to everyone, sorry!

For the rest, I think we'll do the first live on May 5th where I'd like to introduce you to Kaylee's prototype and have a chat.

How about? Could it be good for you?
