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After years of working ocasionally on this project, and getting super frustrated with it, I'm finally getting to a place where I'm comfortable with it. SO Lost Woods is the track I started working on once I finished Song Of Storms back in 2017 as one of my Uni friends reached out to me after listening to it and said "Please do Lost Woods it's my favorite track ever". At that time we were very close pals so I said sure and started working on it. However I could never find the right sound for it, mainly because I love Teophany's take on it and couldnt get it out of my head. I kept working on it from time to time and even finished an arrangement at some point in 2018 but I wasn't completely happy with it to even show it.

Back in July when I was remixing the Song Of Storms I thought "what if Lost Woods was a folk dancing track?" and started doing some tests but they where all crap. We get to december and I get into The Witcher just as everyone else, I also got a terrible throat infection so I had no other choice than rest and be in bed tbh, and while playing it I finally found what I've been looking for all these years. The Lost Woods post I did a few weeks ago was the first test I did after finishing the 1st Act of Wild Hunt but it sounded too much like song of storms and too epic so I scrapped it again.

Some weeks later here we are with what I think is a new and unique rendition of Lost Woods. There's some heavy influence of The Witcher 3 OST, some references to Teophany's and a bit of reggaeton near the end? I believe this is the right way to go. 

THIS IS NOT MIXED, this is just a WIP so audio quality is a bit fucked, I believe there's still some small improvements to make to the arrangement but they won't be as significant as the ones I did to the previous version of it. Anyways this will be available for you boiz on February with the stems for both The Mandalorian and this coming late march, once I set up all the online storage stuff.

Sorry for the poorly redacted post but I'm still behind my schedule and this weekend was prom night or whatever is called in your country so I'm destroyed rn. Good think I don't drink tho. 

Infinite thanks for your support! Lemme know what you think uwu Have a nice week!


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