Raiden Shogun Bunny. Inazuma Mommy Trio series (1/3). [Download] (Patreon)
2024-02-23 17:58:21
2024-03-02 05:22:59
NSFW Raiden Shogun Bunny mod. The first skin from the 'Inazuma Mommy Trio' series.
Toggle controls:
- Up arrow - on/off the thingies on her chest (sry idk how they're called xD)
- Down arrow - on/off panties
The mod is set up in a way that Raiden completely undresses in her ult.
You can change that behavior in the RaidenShogunBunny.ini file.
To do that, change the variable
global $undress_on_ult = 1
global $undress_on_ult = 0
If you want to change the controls, you can do that in the mod's ini file (RaidenShogunBunny.ini).
If you want to merge this mod with other mods, download the [FOR MERGE] archive, otherwise you don't need it.