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Bunny and reverse bunny suits for Furina with animated shader effects.

Come in different variations:

  • FurinaBunnyGod: black = reverse bunny, white = regular bunny
  • FurinaBunnyGod [INVERSE]: black = regular bunny, white = reverse bunny
  • FurinaBunnyGod [OnlyBunny]: regular bunny suit for both forms but in different colors
  • FurinaBunnyGod [ReverseOnly]: reverse bunny suit for both forms but in different colors

Don't place more than one in your Mods folder! And for the love of God, DO NOT!!! place the shader files in the ShaderFixes folder, everything is made to work with the Mods folder only!

Toggle controls:

  • Right Arrow - swap black variation (Left Arrow to swap in other direction)
  • Alt + Right Arrow - swap white variation (Alt + Left Arrow to swap in other direction)
  • Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow - toggle shader (implemented it just in case the shader breaks Furina or other characters, but it shouldn't, I tested on different machines)

The toggles are the same for all variations listed above.

If you want to merge this mod with other mods, download the corresponding [FOR MERGE] archives. Do not include the alternative textures (dark regular bunny and light reverse bunny). You can get them from the [INVERSE] archive.

!!! Due to technical complications, the [FOR MERGE] archives do not include the shader, shader textures and corresponding changes to the ini (otherwise the merge script is not gonna work). If you want my mod to have shader effects even if you merge it with other mods you are gonna have to figure it out yourself, but if you tried and failed to figure it out, feel free to message me on discord, I can try to come up with tutorial on how to do it using your merge as an example.


(using mega this time cause wtf is Patreon doing with its design)

Requires ORFix for the correct outlines! (you don't need to change the ini, all the necessary ORFix changes are already there, just download it if you don't have it and place it in the 3Dmigoto/Mods/BufferValues)

The 4.3 fix is NOT needed!


Logan Dashiell

Pneuma (white) Furina FurinaBunnyGod [OnlyBunny] doesn't have lewd toggles. Only the Ousia (Dark) form does. Was this intentioal? looking at the merged ini, it doesn't look like it.

Logan Dashiell

Same for FurinaBunnyGod [ReverseOnly]. I wanted to run them as seperate outfits with merge spaces.