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Okay, I'm SUPER PROUD of how this one works!

1. You pick one of 6 characters (all the dateables + Mike) to ask Truth or Dare to

2. They have a 50-50 chance of choosing either Truth or Dare

3. You pick from a unique set of Truths or Dares per character (about 2-4 questions per Truth or Dare for a total of 4-8 cutscenes per character)

4. They answer, and now it's THEIR turn!

5. They have an equal chance of choosing one of the other 5 characters

6. They'll play out a unique cutscene based on their unique character combo (e.g. Laila asking Mike Truth or Dare will play out differently than Mike asking Laila, etc, for a total of 25 more unlockable cutscenes)

You can play this one out unlimited times, too, and check out all the secrets that get revealed when you shove 6 of your fave DIKheads (well, Laila and Tate aren't DIKheads, but they're being forced to play Truth or Dare, too).

I put two playthroughs of the Truth or Dare minigame where I asked Mike each time, so you can see how it plays out!!



!!!!!!!!! oh we shall feast. this looks excellent