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You've, errrr, PROBABLY figured out what book this is by now, BUT! We're going to be going with an artist that isn't Yours Truly so I'm just writing the book now! Which is probably good, BECAUSE, y'know, if you guessed what the book is now.... ya boy's time might be better spent working with someone who ALREADY knows a shitton about art nouveau. ;)

ANYWAY! Back in the early days of this GN pitch, I drew the character designs, and I'm suuuper happy with them still! It was hard as hell to draw Teen/High School versions of these characters, but HEY, it is LITERALLY my actual wheelhouse. I'm sitting in a house, inside a wheel, that has a sign taped to it saying "MAKE TEEN/HIGH SCHOOL DRAMEDY VERSIONS OF ME, LIKE CLONE HIGH STYLE".

Totally Not Daisy - I always imagined Daisy as being a blonde, and in [REDACTED] - which doesn't follow the OG book entirely - she's a HUUUGE manipulative Bitch with a capital B. This Bitchyness relies entirely on people expecting her to be a sweet/good person based on her appearance, though, so she hams it up a little.

Totally Not Jay - I am not going to spoil the whole central conceit of [REDACTED] but I was having troubs with ol Jay's outfit here, b/c I wanted him to be a lot like the yacht boy in Bob's Burgers, but I was totally torn on how to Teen It Up so I just, uh, wholesale borrowed Hopper Croakingtion II's outfit from Ever After High and gave it a massive Long Island 20's makeover. Shorts for everyone! :)

Totally Not Jordan - We had two versions of her, b/c the editor felt she looked too old, which she diiiiid but yanno, Jordan's a worldy girl. :)

Totally Not Nick - Ahhhh Nick, my guy, my man. I am especially proud of how I got his personality to come across here. :))))))) In [REDACTED], Nick and Tom are totally retconned so it was important to me to get THESE Nick(s) and Tom(s) coming across right. I could write a bazillion paragraphs intro'ing you to my guy here but you might have to just wait for the book!

Totally Not Tom - He's my favorite, I just love me a sad himbo. (Yes he's a completely different character from in the book, did I mention it's a take-off? :P) I got VERY INTO turn of the century college sportswear shortly after this and I kinda wish I got to dress Tom up a little more, but I'm still hella pleased with how his face turned out. So grumpy!!! So secretly sensitive!!! (I am so glad I got to just make him up from the archetype, eyy. I have a thing about writing books where shitty dudes become good/better people. marginally. at least learn a little about themselves.)



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