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Yes this is the Mythical Adult Comic I've been starting work on!!! I'm MAD EXCITED about this pitch, LOL. (I know I know I have two books coming out but please. my adult horror comix. pls.) It's a sex positive horror comedy about three horror movie villains ~*~learning to love themselves as they are~*~ - and a lot of it is about consent and the Hayes Code and conservative responses to horror as a genre as a whole!! (But MOSTLY it's a classic college sex comedy starring collegeiate horror movie villains archetypes. Which is going to be SUPER FUN.) Yes this is my first Official Book for Grown Adults :V

I'm still at the super early stages with this one so SHHHH keep it on the DL but HEY! here's what I've been working on when I'm not doing [REDACTED YA THING THAT IS STILL HAPPENING], History High [ee!!!!!! EEEEEE. I can't wait to talk about this thing later. Probably my favorite thing I've done in the last 5 years holy shit], or planning my FALL TOUR ayyyy!




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