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THE SETUP: Our protag Gerry is getting called out for being a werewolf by their extremely (un-)understanding family.

PENCILS to INKS: The bubbles were moved/enlarged to crowd Gerry more, and I was starting to mentally set up the disparity between the indoor/outdoor scenes.

INKS TO FIRST COLORS: Matching the scene out the window with the scenery in panel 3 was a priority! Plus, chicken wallpaper.

FIRST COLORS TO SECOND COLORS: Lettering fixed to breathe more (and be more readable!). Lighting and shading jacked up by a lot to look good on the page, as well as emphasize the nighttime setting. Light sources added in Panel 3, because A) draaaama, B) stetting up that humid Wyoming evening and C) emphasizing Gerry's alienation from their voyeuristic family!

Extremely big thanks to Ashanti and Allison at T.O. Comix for editing Meanwhile, Back Home (and being responsible for suggesting almost all of these changes!!)



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