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Sunoo main character

I enjoyed this so much, I hadn’t seen the original before and watching this made me want to check out the original I think both are awesome!!


this remake blew me away, I binged the entire thing in one watch and I am eagerly waiting for the next episodes. Ppl are saying that it didn't live up to the original but it is phenomenal in my opinion and the budget must've been crazy bcuz the production was mindblowing bcuz they don't normally invest this much for a series

Sami Casingal

At first I’m thinking, “who hasn’t seen the original? It’s too iconic.” And I don’t mean that in a bad way. But I actually think not seeing the original first is better when watching this because you aren’t blinded by the expectations you put on it to be closely similar to the original. Since it’s your first time, it’s easier to accept the differences and freshness of the scenes which would give you more room to view it positively. I have seen the original before this and personally, I don’t care that certain scenes aren’t the same because I already know the story and I like this creativity and innovation that live action adaptations allow for, but sadly not everyone is the same and thinks that way, therefore resulting in the mixed reviews. It makes me sad because this is definitely high budget especially with how good the CGI looks. It wasn’t half-assed at all and they didn’t deviate even more than they did from the original so although comparing is inevitable, I think it can hold its own