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Hello everyone, I'm apologize for not providing updates for some time. This is due to me being very busy with my college, as well as the remake of Dystopian Abyss taking more time than I anticipated. But I can now proudly introduce to you "Dystopian Abyss: New World Order", this game will be set in the year 2170. It tells the story of a civil war between the people and the government. For more details, I will explain later when this game is released. 

Now to answer the 1 million dollar question. 

"Why is the game taking so long to develop?"

The answer to that is, because I don't want to repeat my mistakes in the old Dystopian Abyss, where I released a half-baked game to you, such as a poor and inconsistent storyline, linear gameplay with a lack of mechanics, unfunny comedy, and a dystopian theme that is completely weird because it mixes school life, a lot of bugs and too hasty character development, inconsistent character art, and more.

Therefore, because I really appreciate you guys, I made this new game with great care, I designed the UI one by one, I tried to make the art of the characters consistent, made the story more consistent and more suitable for the dystopian theme, I slowed down the muscle growth of the characters, and added mechanics, then I originally thought of releasing only 2 chapters in the first release, namely the Prologue and Chapter 1, but now I am working on Chapter 2 and will release everything in the initial release, and also the character development is not rushed, so that players can get to know each character in this game.

Then I will answer the second million dollar question.

"Why is the art realistic?"

To answer that question, I actually like both anime art and realistic art, but at first when I decided to choose anime or realistic art, I chose realistic art. But you can rest easy, because I will be making two versions of art for this game (Although the initial release will only have realistic art). There are people who prefer realistic art, and there are those who don't like it as much, so I will most likely release two versions of this game in the interim release, but the initial release will have realistic art only.

Now for the one billion dollar question.

"When will the game be released?"

Most likely within this week, but I can't guarantee (I apologize), I have promised many that this release will come, but I myself when thinking about releasing it, instead I choose to continue adding features in this new game, to make the game more unique and to my liking.

That's all from me. Thank you so much for reading and understanding





Jérémy HAMON

Orchid reminds me of Karan S'jet on image 6 XD


Damn, 2 versions with different art styles? Be careful on overworking pal


Thank for the concern my friend, I'll do my best not to overworked.😊