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Hey, everybody! Hope you're all good out there. First things first, my bad for hypin' y'all up and makin' you think I had this release schedule all figured out. So, here's the deal: this game, it ain't usin' no fancy AI for the artwork, nah, it's 3D as the base. And when I say 3D, I ain't talkin' 'bout that anime-style stuff; we're goin' full-on real human vibes, thanks to my buddy DAZ3D. Little did I know that rendering a mountain of 400+ CGs would take a cool minute – each one takin' like 15 to 20 minutes a pop. That's why this game's been moving slower than a tortoise in quicksand, even though I wrapped up the story more than a week ago.

But check this out – after a 3-week battle with my computer, I'm finally droppin' this game, and it's landing tomorrow, October 28, 2023. For the hardcore 'Fanatic' and 'Enthusiast' tier on Patreon, I'm shootin' for 5 pm, but heck, I'll try to drop it even sooner. Got a few loose ends to tie up, ya know.

Big thanks to all y'all who've been ridin' with me on this wild ride, and I gotta say it one more time – I'm really, really sorry for this wait. Hope you dig the game. Thank you for reading.




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