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Hello everyone, I haven't updated in a while, but I have been working on a new project through twine, the name is Eir of Frohdiff, this will be a project made using Twine. You might be asking "Why are you working on so many projects, Myon?" The answer is because this is to prevent me from burnout, so working on 4 projects I think is still manageable, although all of them will not be completed in the near future.

This new project will be themed around FMG, height growth, and breasts expansion. The game will focus on our main heroine, Eir. A little girl from the village of Frohdiff who suddenly becomes a hero. She will level up and continue to grow.

For now I am planning up to level 15 for Eir.

For the release I plan to release it tomorrow, on March 27, 2024 probably at 7 pm ET.

That's all from me thank you for reading.



So what's the status on dystopian abyss?

Virgile Lefranc

What kind of art style will it be ? A realistic or an anime one ?