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Welcome back, this is the schedule for November and the animations I intend to make.

[Important] Before starting I must tell you that my PC has reached the end of its life, and so next week I might not be very present, or in the worst case, not work on my projects at all, and therefore the schedule should also be changed accordingly.

For the rest, this will be a shorter post than usual.


November Schedule (Draft)

- CHN4: This animation is currently in production (20% complete) and will be an 'All Way Through'. In this animation there will be the new graphic structure that was being tested on Miriam (although not yet 100% functional).

- NR4: This animation is already rendered (90% complete), but there are many fixes I need to make before making it public. In case I don't have time, I will publish this animation directly next month, but I can also delete the publication directly, I'll let you know.

- Vote Poll: I will do a Vote Poll to decide this animation.

- MA2: In this animation, which will be a doggy, I will try the new graphic structure in order to understand how much better it actually is than before.

- MA2 (Alternative): I have to render this animation with my computer given the content. So I'll try to render it as soon as I get the new computer.

- FR8: Animation with Feena 2.0 we will decide with a vote poll the pose.

- Long Animation: Considering the problems with my computer, I'll see if I can pick up the long animation of Miriam scheduled for October and release it by December.


Updates (Characters and Rework)

In November I should rework several characters, I'll leave you a list below.

- Clareshha 1.3 (Rework): Already finished and you can watch it Here. Now mount the 3.33 rig, which is the same as Miriam, and for the first time I have separate textures for different body parts (three 4k textures in total).

- Princess Feena 2.0 (Rework): I'm currently working on it, she will mount the same rig as Clareshha and Miriam, the 3.33. Also, I'll try to use five 4k textures for the coloring part, which should make Feena the qualitatively better character I made.

- Ridell 1.2 (Rework): I will do a general upgrade.

- Vote Poll (New Character): I already said that Ritta, even if she wins, I will create her in December, so the highest in votes except Ritta will be built in November.

- Vote Poll (Environment): If I have time I'll make a new environment.


Download (Clareshha Gallery) 

Schedule (Discord) 



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