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Hello everyone, I'm posting this update slightly earlier than usual because I would like to share my plans for the month of July along with all the new developments I'm working on and will be working on to improve my animations.


July Schedule (Discussion)

There won't be a long animation for July, and there are mainly two reasons for that: 1) I need to finish publishing my new book, so I can't dedicate too much time to animations. 2) For now, I want to focus on the tests I will discuss later (check Future Plans).

Of course, the absence of a long animation will allow for more short animations with a duration of 2-3 minutes. In total, I expect to create approximately 5-6 animations next month, and they will be evenly split between bestiality and regular sex scene. Of course, there will definitely be vote polls if you want to influence this choice.

At the moment, I plan to create at least one mouth outlet animation, one fisting animation, and one docking animation. This is based on the commissions and suggestions I have received. If you have any ideas that you would like to see realized, you can leave a comment here or on Discord.


Future Plans (Artificial Intelligence and Others)

As I mentioned, this month (June), I conducted numerous tests with Blender add-ons, new software programs, and, of course, I tried to incorporate the use of artificial intelligence to my animations. To be honest, the tests didn't leave me satisfied at all. However, because I believe this is the right path to follow, I will continue testing to integrate additional support into my animations, whether it be through artificial intelligence or different programs apart from Blender.

For these reasons, in July, I will be working on a new rig system (version 3.4) to make it compatible with Rokoko (for motion capture) and Cascadeur. Additionally, I will attempt to integrate artificial intelligence into Blender and Photoshop, hoping to achieve higher quality in terms of textures.

Of course, these are tests, and it's not guaranteed that I'll be able to implement them in July. However, contrary to what I said in previous months, the underlying idea is to have more realistic textures or characters that resemble real people. This work on textures will be implemented on the two characters for July, even if the tests I conduct don't yield successful results.


Liquid Animation

My animations involving liquids leave something to be desired, and I'm aware of it. However, I believe I've reached the limit in terms of quality and performance. In other words, if I want to further improve the quality of liquid animations, I will need to invest in a new computer. This purchase will likely happen around September/October, at least that's my hope.


Clarishha 1.0 (New Character)

For the month of July, I will be creating a new character named Clarishha, who will be a half-elf with blonde hair. I don't have a clear idea yet on how I will bring her to life, but I will make use of artificial intelligence as much as possible for the concept sketches and preliminary designs (which I will share to everyone). In addition to that, I want Clarishha to have a curvier figure (big breast/butt) compared to the other characters, who are usually more slender.

Clarishha will be the main focus of the upcoming month, and I plan to dedicate at least 2-3 animations to her. As mentioned earlier, you can expect Clarishha to have a much more realistic texture compared to characters like Feena and Nae. In fact, I will use a real skin texture for Clarishha and won't manually color it.


Selenya Gleen 2.0 (Rework)

Next month, I would like to rebuild Selenya Gleen from scratch and release version 2.0. Overall, Selenya will undergo several modifications to her physical appearance, particularly to her face, but the shape and body structure will remain largely unchanged. However, I will have to rebuild Selenya Gleen from scratch because her mesh is not suitable for the complexity of the animation I'm creating, and in order to update her, I must necessarily start over.

Just like Clarishha, Selenya will also receive a more realistic skin texture. However, the rework of Selenya in particular is not 100% certain because the preparatory work is extensive, and it essentially involves building two characters (Selenya and Clarissha) from scratch, which obviously requires a very long work time.


Video Guide

The first video tutorial that I have prepared should be released soon, probably towards the end of June. For the next month (July), I have in mind to release another one, but the topics are endless and at the same time complex to explain. For the first video tutorial, for example, I realized that something that I consider trivial and simple, almost repetitive, is not actually that simple to explain.


Tier 1 (Price)

I have decided to postpone the price increase for Tier 1 by another month, so it will be properly modified in August. I apologize for not informing you earlier or for making this decision suddenly, but I believe that increasing the prices next month would be a counterproductive choice.


Thank you for reading and I'm grateful for your continued support, and I'm excited about the developments ahead.



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