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[IMPORTANT] to all new subscribers and not, thank you for your support! I'm currently busy building the new rig system, so for 2-3 days there will be no relevant content. Thanks for your patience. Meanwhile this is the April schedule.


April Schedule

[Context1] This is just a preview, the definitive schedule will be published on April 1st. For the moment, I have considered 9 days of rest to prepare all the animation material of the schedule. 9 days are definitely excessive, but I wanted to stay wide to avoid delays. So expect another animation not marked in the schedule that we will decide with a vote poll.

[Context2] Although there are fewer animations than the previous month, expect longer animations, and above all with more detail and diversity. I would try to reduce the loops, and implement individual actions. That said, for the month of April the protagonist is Princess Feena.

below the details of the animations, without spoilers.


  • Rest (1-9 April): I will not stop to go on vacation or to rest, on the contrary, I will work to improve my content and bring diversity. What will I do in these 9 days?

1) I'm going to build a new outdoor scene, which is a swimming pool. So that I can try out different stage lighting. However, it is not said that we will use this setting in April, but surely we will be able to see it.

2) I will do maintenance on Princess Feena, that is still partially finished, Selenya Gleen will be rebuilt (I remember to you that part of her textures are not working), and I'll do maintenance on the characters that win the long animation vote poll [https://www.patreon.com/posts/votepoll-long-of-80212996?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link]

3) I will work on the publication of the two alternative versions of Princess Feena 1, namely the female version and the scat version. The scat version is not certain that I will publish it, and it will not be public, but only available to supporters.

4) I will build a new rig system for animating (version 3.0) that will improve the quality of animations in general, and speed up the creation process. Among other things I will introduce belly physics, leg physics, and will improve butt physics and penis/ball physics. Finally, I will introduce several details to improve close-ups.

5) tests to increase the consistency and quality of liquids.


  • Princess Feena 2 | Missionary (4/13/2023): it will be a shorter animation, both in female and futa versions, and will focus on the belly bulge. I was actually thinking about introducing a lot of inflate and fill as well, but I'll see when the time comes. For now, please note that this will be a test to evaluate and correct the new 3.0 rig system.


  • Faly & Selenya Gleen 3 | Docking (4/18/2023): obviously futa, animation yet to be decided.



  • Princess Feena & Ridell 1 | H content (4/29/2023): it will probably be a missionary, but it will be an animation with different scenarios.

[Edit] There will be both futa and female version.


[Extra] If I finish maintenance earlier (April 1-9), there will be an extra animation that will be decided by a vote poll. I anticipate that the choices will be: 1) H content (futa/female). 2) sex scenes (futa). 3) Princess Feena solo (futa/female). I also anticipate that this vote poll is extremely likely to take place. you will know around the 5th of April.

[Leaks] At the end of April there will be a new character, or rather two. They will be twins, and their names will be Yennhalisa and Clareshha. Both half-elves, both blondes, but with different bodies, so they won't actually be identical. However, due to the change in the April schedule, these two characters are likely to be built and finished in the month of May, and they will certainly be the protagonists of May. their contents will be: futa, romance, kiss, docking. Or I could replace these two characters with the protagonist of June, or Nae, we will decide it with a vote poll.


Account Update

[Context] I also remind you that from next month all the changes that I have slowly elaborated during the month of April will become effective, i.e. all the contents will be restricted to Supporters (Tier 2), and Viewers (Tier 1) will have access exclusively to the releases and previews of the animations , with the necessary exceptions.

[Context2] No other changes are expected until May.

[Leaks] Tomorrow the preview of Princess Feena 1.



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