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Alright, hey everyone! First off, thanks for being patient with slow updates. Luckily, I got all of my rewards for July done in June. Which included the Cookie Dough Full Color Update 1 and the Nellko / Sergei Full Color. I also did more than the required amount of stream sketch updates. But doing all of this back in June might make it seem like I'm slacking this month, so I apologize.

I've been really busy prepping for the Pony Convention next weekend. I'm hardly a Brony Bro Bro, but I do think they're cute. And more to the point, the convention is downtown and I have the privilege to vend with Raikissu and Co. So I'm pretty excited. That also explains all of the pony stuff lately. If you're not a fan, I apologize. If you are, then you're having fun. If you don't really care either way, then please enjoy the continued source files.

AFTER the con I'll be able to focus back on Patreon and Ctenophorae more. I'll also probably be using Patreon to reward/sell the Ctenophorae Daki mk II. Which there is a sketch for on the tumblr blog!

In the meantime, here's the Vinyl Scratch source file! AND THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT THROUGH THE CON PREP. CTENO AND CO THANK YOU.



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