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As the titles states, this is my ONE day off between conventions. AX and Otakon are done. However, I'm still making an appearance at the final Bronycon in downtown Baltimore this weekend. I won't have my full presentation, though I'll have everything that's still unsold with me! I also will be barely conscious, and VERY tired. But it's literally downtown. I can't pass up a small / mids / wildcard size attendance convention that's DOWN THE HIGHWAY. 10k isn't huge attendance, but it's worth going to given the close proximity.

But let me summarize what I still owe you all. The downside to running a weekly reward Patreon is that often I miss things due to insanely busy schedule. Yes, I could draw today. But no, it would not be good because I'm exhausted and still prepping a little.



  • Four Request Streams, 3 hours each. Tier 1, at only 1 dollar, just fell by the wayside against convention preparation. It had to. SOMETHING had to give way in the schedule. In addition, Tier 1 will be heavily revamped this month.
  • A Tier 2 pinup. This is for the weekend of July 27th - 29th. That's last weekend. I was at Otakon, so that just wasn't gonna happen. I'll hold the poll this coming week, on or around the 5th when I get back to a SORT of normal schedule. I'll also hold the poll for this coming weekend, since that will also be a little delayed due to this weekend's convention.
  • Tier 4 pinup. Saane’s girl!

And... wow that's not much tho. Whew. Writing it out helps frame the situation some! I was panicking.

Thank you for being patient with me. There's been a LOT to do and I'm taking this SINGLE day to relax and recover. I can't even talk well since I definitely have some Con Cold. You guys are awesome and good and I'm so so so so thankful.

Once things are caught up I have some good updates and makeovers to do. But I really don't want to just LEAVE you guys hanging in the unknown!

I rest now. I need coffee.


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