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About halfway through con season. I still have Otakon coming up in late July, and I WILL be at Bronycon the week after. It's right downtown, so it's worth going to since there's no travel involved!

But let's talk about Patreon because... uh... well we're here on Patreon!

Here's what's on my schedule to do before Otakon:

  • OC Print #1
  • OC Print #2
  • Weekly Drawings (Tiers II and III)
  • Tier IV Drawings

Those are all on schedule!

Here's what's currently delayed:

  • Tier I

Tier I still needs some reinvention. I realized that my plans to revamp it further just put it BACK into what it ORIGINALLY was, which was a little too much on my schedule. So I still have to think. It's hard to quantify rewards a single dollar level!

For now, I appreciate everyone's patience with it. I need to prioritize conventions and the big tiers at the moment. Conventions ESPECIALLY! When everything is over, I can give it proper attention. So still, thank you so so much for sticking around those of you at the single dollar tier.

It's just gonna be a LITTLE messy until August. Anything that is delayed will be caught up then! My conventions are all literally in the same single month. Which is hard to be flexible around!

Okay back to prints nowww....


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