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Alright so I'm leaving for AX tomorrow night / Wednesday morning. Gonna be a very sleepy flight!

I'm ALMOST done prep. The final prints are coming out of my printer now. You can catch me and Redrabbu at both C5??? It's fifty something. I forget. That's how busy I have been...

Patreon is mostly on schedule. Tifa finished earlier this weekend. So there's nothing on my table right now. I'll launch the next poll sometime this COMING weekend while I'm in LA, and then finish it up when I get back midway through NEXT week. Putting me back on schedule. Until Otakon...

BUT I have some questions for you all! As you all know (maybe), due to convention prep, we did not do the Tier 1 request streams this month. I'll double up for the month of July.

However, since we've been doing these streams for a bit, and I've had time to play around and see the results, I want to state that they suck. I'm not being defeatist! The results are BAD! By the time I'm warmed up, the stream is over. I can't do them longer because I have other obligations. So by the end we've got a couple ugly drawings... and... that's not really... worth it?? They aren't even usually posted because frankly they aren't good sketches.

So I think I'm gonna change this tier up again maybe. Let me pitch this to you all: Instead of two three hour streams a month with "limited" quality and results, I'll keep an open OC link post each month, and draw one or two OCs a week, but FULLY LINED AND COLORED. Overall, the percentage of OCs drawn is NOT gonna really change, but there will be much better drawings since I don't have to rush to fit them into a three hour scheduled inflexible window.

So instead of crappy headshots and ugly doodles that could honestly be ANYONE's anime/furry OC, there will be nicer colored pieces that I can work on between other jobs and things.

They only real loss here would be the "entertainment" of me being miserable on stream for six hours a month. And it's not like I couldn't stream these anyway. So... this isn't really a loss.

So let me know what you guys think of this. I DO think it's a better option honestly. The request streams are rushed, largely unproductive, and don't yield much in the end. This would reward the tier a LOT more. Even if it's not your OC (which statistically it won't be), you'll get nice art at least! Instead of... ugly...


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