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This time let's do Evdokiya. She's always been right at the edge of blatant H content. So this one isn't going to be FULL NASTY, but I'll go as far as I dare. Let's promise at least one boob for you all.

I'd like to OFFER and idea though, If you guys so vote, I can devote some time into upgrading this into a printable Dakimakura for her. I could sell it at cons and online then.

A daki is way more work than a normal drawing, but I'd save some time by also having it be part of the Tier Four work this month. Then I could squeeze it into my schedule.

As usual you'd all get the source files, but I mean... It's a little less exclusive since the image will be shared and posted a little earlier since... well... it's a piece of merchandise lol. I'll just put something over her dokidokis on the public posts. And probably do an edit for the printed versions. A daki kind of requires vertical standing / laying poses, and it'd kind of necessitate that her school uniform be a part of it. That being said, you'd also get two drawings of her since it's double sided. And some people consider dakimakura drawings a fetish point in and of itself anyway. And it's gonna get censored anyway so... It's an okay option to add here.

Actually... I could have just a FEW nip versions made and sell them at discount here on patreon? Maybe? Let's see what you guys vote for. I don't mind taking some risks with this tier since you're either a little wealthy, a little generous, or fans of the characters!

But the other choices are also good! It's up to you guys. Regardless, you still get exclusive adult content early and Evdokiya dokis.

And again, it's MULTIVOTE so... I'll let you all decide what to do!


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