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Alright, the first post is a new little swimsuit pack. Pretty normal stuff. The pack is also available on AwfulSlugMonster on a one time-pay-what-you-want offer. But getting it from here gets people rewards and stuff so... Hmm... I guesssssss I'm just... gonna do this, huh? I don't really know what to say. Thank you guys, first off. For everything. I'm really hungry... God I'm hungry... I'll also make a big post over on tumblr and DA and all, but since you guys are like already aware of the whole deal, I won't waste your time! Go eat too! You're probably hungry too. It's a hungry day.

I'm also looking at like, how this is all set up. This is my first post, after all! It seems like I can attach a file here but also let EVERYONE see it, including non subscribers. If that's the case, that really saves me a bit of a headache rushing to get everything launched here AND on ASM at the same time. Because I guess everyone can download it, which I want to be an option. SOOOo yeah! Neato! Not that I didn't already upload the pack on ASM...

Okay. Food time. Let me know if this is working properly or... yeah... You can comment apparently too. NEAT! I'm editing this now. Do I have to reattach the file? Maybe. I hope it doesn't duplicate. If it does, they're the same file.



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