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The Clip Studio files are attached, but let's do something exclusive to Patreon, at least for a short time.

Once a week, I'll do an extra nice NSFW drawing. Something print resolution. And upload it here, instead of to twitter and tumblr and such, for a week exclusively. It won't be so long I'll feel BAD about it leaking and/or getting shared ahead of that week. And I won't feel bad about it being something exclusive since it'll only be a week.

Obviously this is best suited for fanart so suggest away. PLEASE SUGGEST MORE THAN ONE IDEA THOUGH... PLEASE. Otherwise, frankly, it's just Isabelle and forgettable anime-waifu-of-the-week. But I AM gonna mentally RESET all the requests I've ever done starting now so... Yeah.

I'd like to do a poll but... frankly polls always get manipulated... So we'll see how we pick. Twitter polls are pretty solid and reliable!



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