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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the October 2023 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/standard-res-oct-90953470 

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hi-res-dropbox-90953468 


In all honesty, I am pretty depressed with how long it took to get this done. I originally thought this was going to be something pretty simple to quickly put together. Why is it always the drawings you think aren't going to be complicated always the ones that are the most complicated to draw? 

Anyways, I've wanted to this scenario during Halloween for years but have always forgotten to do so. I've always enjoyed Poe stories and I remember seeing this particular scene recreated in so many other media.

I would like to draw this again one day too but I need to move on to other things now. I would love to try and figure out something to draw featuring Willow during this month! I got an idea but it might be better suited for Christmas~ :3c


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Varublat or Pup Varu

Beautiful work on this. Too bad she's gagged and can't humor on her captor not being a mason.


Ayyy, this is always one of my favorite Halloween scenarios as well. I just wrote a Kinktober short on it a week or so ago as well. Funny how that happens sometimes. Really well done! I'm curious how Robyn plans to get Shio back out of there once this little roleplay is done, but I guess this isn't the time to sweat the details. Regarding Willow, were you planning on having her be the damsel for that piece? Or is she going to be doing some special "haunting" activities for Shio and Robyn? Also: Both Robyn and Shio are killing it in those outfits. You've always got such a great sense of style for your OCs.