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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the September 2023 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/standard-res-89196908 

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hi-res-dropbox-89196909 


I have finally come back from my little mini "vacation" while house sitting at my mom's house. I reeeeally needed that break to really just do nothing and I'm surprised how much nothing I wound up doing, aside from the Keyleth sketch and writing more of the Trussed Issues 3 script... I brought my Switch and a book to read while I was there but wound up just watching some show on Prime my mom started the night before she left called The Outlaws and pretty much nothing else. Neat little show. 

I'm really glad I had a few of these sketches from last month to quickly finish up. Makes me feel a little bit better about taking a bit of a break.

I'm not sure why being bound while facing the wall really triggered something in me until I actually drew it either. Maybe Crys was being a brat to Ash during their play session and ultimately got herself put in time out. :p


Tag Links:

Suggestion Thread

Trussed Issues Comic

Dropbox Compilation Links




It looks like the link preview image looks kind of broken again :T It's still there. It's just that the Dropbox folder image isn't loading.


Ditto on the facing-the-wall thing, but I think you’re onto something with the brat-in-time-out idea, because this is super hot! What a pleasant timeout this must be for Crys haha👺