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It's finally done! The second issue of Shio-bari's Trussed Issues is finally complete and ready to be read by you!

Issue #2 features Shiori and Robyn as they move in to a new home! What secret does it hold for them? They shall soon find out! 

Big thanks to my friend, Psudonym, for providing an excellent guest pic!!

Thank you so much for being patient with me as I worked on this ;v;/ I've learned a lot of tricks while producing this and hope to implement those lessons moving forward!

Trussed Issues #2 exported to a size too big for just 1 zip file. Please download both 1 & 2 in the links below!

Trussed Issues #3 is now in development!!




Just finished reading issue 2, It was incredibly adorable! Great job Shio!!!🥳🥳🥳

Momo Trotro

Congrats on the release! Looking forward to reading it soon^^