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This is an image of a consenting role play scenario


Most everything for this project is now finished! I just need to finish the thank you page, which is probably halfway finished, and do a final review of all the pages to make sure spelling is correct and color looks okay.

I hope to release the comic by the end of next week! We'll see for sure on that. I'm still trying to get together another thing for this but that's out of my hands based on a series of circumstances.

 Time to also start figuring out and writing Trussed Issues #3. I got a very loose idea for it right now but stuck trying to figure out the 2nd half of it... Hope it works itself out while writing it.
(          =       v    =  );;;

Thank you for your patience and support on this! :D


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Love the art work of this comic, thank you for all your hard work


stunning display of colors seems to mix and match well!