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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the March 2023 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/standard-res-79478148

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hires-dropbox-79478150


Finally finished with this! I went through 2 other potential compositions for this before landing on this one that I liked. TvT/ Not sure really what it was about the other 2 that really weren't doing anything for me, but I'm glad I finally got to this.

I have no idea what to name this new OC. At the moment, I picture her as some sort of office worker who might have a few tattoos and looks likely like someone who smokes. Not entirely sure yet since this is her first real drawing. >v>;;

For a long time I've also wanted to draw something that depicts Shiori's job too. Granted, this making bdsm gear is probably Shiori moonlighting but her actual job is a handyman. Someone who goes around and fixes and crafts things. She has some metal working and electrical skills but is more proficient with wood and leather working. 

BTW, Watched the USA vs. Japan WBC game tonight while coloring this. Congrats, Japan!!


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I'm feeling her name could be something like Linda or Celestra


Huge fan of this new OC's design! I love her hair and glasses to death especially <3 Glasses in character design is always a bonus for me HAHA! Also love her expression as well - and love the idea that she has a few tattoo's! I also gotta mention how cute Shiori looks <3 Her expression and outfit are adorable! Great work and looking forward to more of this new OC!

Patrick Conner

I love this piece, and also getting a little more info about what Shiori is up to when not doing sexytimes.


Love the new character, and she seems really fun. i look forward to what you have planned for her!

Momo Trotro

«Miscellaneous handywoman by day, bdsm gear crafter by night, it’s Shiori!» great pic, looking forward to see what’s in store for them next

Spelt Wrong, but right.

This new girl is quite the catch, can’t wait to see where she’ll appear next


Love the art and the interaction between them!


Ohhh love the new girl, glasses especially, and seeing what Shiori does work wise. Love the pic and looking forward and hoping we get to see the other new gear mentioned.


Love the double preview of Shiori’s daytime job along with the new OC! Though I wonder, how long until Shitto meets with a “dissatisfied” customer? ;)


She looks like an Eryn to me. But that’s just my opinion though