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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the March 2023 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/standard-res-79478148 

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hires-dropbox-79478150 


And we're back after a month off (sort of)! I was able to finish a good chunk of the comic pages last month and, though there are a few more needing to be colored, I believe I can get the rest all done soon! I can't wait to be able to show the final product of this to you all!

I wish February lasted a bit longer now that I'm looking back on it. Part of me thinks I should've waited until a more normal month to pause to do all that coloring. But looking at the finished pages now, even though I got a late start last month due to the Gogo Tomago draw, I'm glad I didn't wait. I had hoped to color at least one more page before the end of the month but I woke up to having a cold and a 100 degree fever. I'm feeling much better now that I don't feel trapped by my bed. All I got still now is the cough and the sniffles. TvT

I wanted to get something out quick after that month off though so I thought I would go ahead and color this old Crys sketch I had laying around. Also because I realized I didn't have anything else far enough along to quickly put together. >v>;;; 

I need to draw something spicy soon! I got a few ideas while doing nothing but coloring. I hope I didn't get too rusty.


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Hope you get better soon, looking forward to it

Spelt Wrong, but right.

Get better soon buddy, you have all our support. And this sketch came out great.


Yesh, more Crys content!