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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the January 2023 Dropbox links

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Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hi-res-dropbox-77219483


It may be 4am but I was determined to get this done tonight! I got too much I want / need to get done this week that I don't want to spend another day working on this, as much as I had fun with this that is.

Krystal has been on my "characters I want to draw yet, somehow, haven't yet" list since, I think, the original Star Fox Adventures game came out. :p I remember really loving that game when it came out and, even now, think it had an interesting take the franchise could've expanded upon more. That might've been because I am a big Zelda fan and Adventures was very similar. >v> I mean, though, that each game could've had the team going to a new planet(s) in distress and figuring out how to solve them. Would also need to extend the arwing segments too. =   v = Alas, that ship has sailed. Another thought would be what if it played similar to a Mass Effect style game with lots of aerial combat segments? That'd be neat...

It would probably be a miracle now to get a new Star Fox again soon after how Zero performed... I would like to track down that Star Link game for Switch one day. If anything, for that cool arwing figure it came with. I did hear it's Star Fox campaign it included as a bonus was also better than it's main campaign too. >v>


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Katt Wallingford

StarFox was my first big fandom ever. My online existence started in the hay day of SF64. I briefly participated in the official role-play page Nintendo hosted at "The Loudhouse" with NOA Amy and Trav, and went on to help run a couple of the big StarFox fan forums way back when. ...and, for some reason, I didn't like Star Fox Adventures as a concept. I knew they'd been developing this game for quite some time, and the idea to make it a StarFox game was very last second in the development process. The Arwing segments suffered as a result, and the ending felt lackluster to me. However, it did give us Krystal here, and she herself was a fun addition to the team. She helped fulfill a role that fans wanted to see Fara Phoenix (from the comics) play. She definitely helped StarFox Assault come out the way it did. ♥️ And, of course, the internet did with her as the internet tends to do with attractive female characters. 😜 This is actually one of the more fun looking images I've seen, and I have seen far too much Krystal lewding. You did great. The teeth around the ball gag in particular really seems to bring it home for some reason. I hope you're getting some rest after this. You earned it here. (I think that the thought of a Mass Effect type of StarFox game made me more excited than this picture did. See what you've done? 😝)


This is really quite excellent, Shio!


Holy moly that is an astoundingly massive ballgag! And I for one am absolutely here for it <3 Really great work on this Shio! The colours and rendering are gorgeous as usual as well - and the pose is superb too! I never really dabbled with the Star Fox series but I think seeing her trophy in Smash Bros Brawl awakened something in me HAHA! She looks amazin in your style <3 Great work from top to bottom!


I haven't played it since, maybe, the Wii era so I may not like it as much as I remember. I would like to replay it again though. That and Assault. I don't remember much at all from Assault


Star Fox 64 still holds up and is really fun if you've never played it. Adventures and Assault are a little trickier to get ahold of nowadays cause Nintendo gotta Nintendo = v =

Katt Wallingford

Assault was on GameCube. It's actually the last StarFox game I ever got to play. Not gotten a chance to try any since due to having not owned a Nintendo console since then other than the 3DS. My opinion is likely super uninformed as a result. 😅


Fantastic job here on this one, don't think that Krazoa is gonna let some pesky space fox take it's prize. What really sold me here was the ballgag though, because dang does that really look like it's doing it's job here! Wonderfull all around : D


A really great peice of art! i keep coming back to how silenced krystal looks with that gag!


Thanks :D I wanna draw more furry stuff soon TvT I feel like it's been too long since I last did before this one


Yeeaaaah T_T the aftermarket for Gamecube games is kinda crazy right now. Everything costs an arm and a leg 😢 Ill try and find a way to play Star Fox 64 though!


I keep coming back to this picture. The way you drew good old Krystal is just adorable. Plus that ballgag! Now that's a gag doing its job, good luck getting rid of it lmao.