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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the January 2023 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/standard-res-77219482 

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/hi-res-dropbox-77219483 


After a few days of feeling burnt out from finishing Kim's draw last week I had to fight myself to get back into the artist chair. Started out with something simple by taking advantage of the symmetrical tool. That thing is fun to play with! I don't know what to do with the background with this yet, though... Maybe a domme Robyn somewhere or she having her own armbinder? Maybe also a mirror and just fudge the perspective angle a bit to make a straight on back view look slightly to the side.. >v>

I feel like it's also been a while since I drew a kitty Shiori too. I wanted to quickly blot one out before figuring out what to do with that armbinder thing. I had wanted to do something like this for a while and recently saw a photo of someone doing it on Twitter who told me that I could use it as a reference / photo study. Saw that as a sign to finally do this too. I also don't know what to do for a background on this yet... >v>;;;

And finally, pulling from the list of characters I've wanted to draw for a long time but somehow haven't yet, some Krystal from Starfox Adventures. I'm not really sure what sparked my desire to draw her now, really, but am happy with how it's coming out so far. :D Realized late into sketching it, though, that I would need to draw the shrine her crystal is placed on top off... Thankfully ClipStudio's primitive 3D models helped make it work. For now it's only loosely roughed in to get a basic idea for how I want it. It may change later on though, who knows.

I'll likely get the two Shiori's done pretty quick, possibly over the weekend, but I wanted to go ahead and post and update since it's been a while. =      v  =;;


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Dat armbinder 👀