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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the March 2022 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63613538

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/63613537


Even though it's only 1 day overdue I'm really sorry this is late TvT/ So many of you keep telling me you don't mind but I really hate being overdue. 

Yet again I find myself forgetting everything I wanted to write for this post >v>;;; Man... I really should just take notes as I think of stuff. Head empty. Time to return to inking comic pages while I brainstorm what next stand alone draw to work on next.

...I might go see that Morbius movie to find out just how bad it sounds like it turned out to be...


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Awesome work Shio! Rae looks fantastic =v= The glow effects and shading are amazing as always. Also, I haven't seen a version of her with sort of tights before. But you really did amazing with her design and situation here. =v=b Great work!


Thanks :D I took color scheme inspirations from her Justice League vs Teen Titans look. Thought it would help separate different parts of her since she wears so many dark things http://comicartcommunity.com/gallery/data/media/910/JL_vs_TT_Raven.jpg


The more i look at this the more details i notice. Great work!