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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the November 2021 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58525365

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/58525366


I've been lamenting for a while that C.C.'s official straitjacket design is kinda lame. It looks too baggy and roomy to look to be any sort of effective at restraining the wearer. So I made the executive decision to tighten it up a bit and make it look a bit more visually appealing~ =//v//=

For a hand full of different reasons, I haven't been able to draw all week until yesterday. TvT One of course due to Thanksgiving and the other was waiting for a new work tablet. Originally, I was debating whether or not to continue fully rendering the 2nd Place Vote winners. Part of my thinking is that it's kinda not really fair to the one who got more votes as well as keeps me from working on other things like OC draws and comic pages; but my new tablet arrived and I really wanted to test it out. So it's possible this might be the last fully rendered 2nd place winner. We'll see when the time comes for the next one to be made. Someone had mentioned that I leave them as sketches and occasionally hold polls to see which gets the completed / finished treatment. That might be fun. Curious to hear what you all think on this though as I haven't really made up my mind yet on this. 

In other news, another reason why I haven't been able to draw all week until now was that I had been informed that our family dog had passed away on Friday of last week. We'd had him for about 14 years so he was quite old and had a full life, but it still really hurt visiting home and he wasn't there. I knew he didn't have much longer but I had hoped to see him one last time this weekend.. He will be missed.

I hope everyone had a good and delicious holiday! 


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Trussed Issues Comic



Spelt Wrong, but right.

That sketch idea sounds lovely. Hope you have fun testing out your new tablet. And great choice in tightening up the straight jacket.


Sorry about the family dog :( Wish you and them the best!

David Night

Losing a family pet is always hard :(


Love the rework to the suit. Nice and tight, feels more functional! XD No worries about have less art done. It's the holidays. Things are weird, and losing a pet is never easy. I agree with the idea of making second place a sketch and them after enough of them are done. like say 3 or 5? You put them up for a vote to be completed.