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Just got back from a vacation that I feel ended up being a bit longer than I would have liked TvT So much so that I feel like I've started to waste time by the tail end of it. Been spending probably far too much time on this and wrestling with the iPad trying to get used to drawing on it that I wanted to get this thing out of the way so that I could start hammering out other things. I would love to be able to take the next few days to get out as many things as I can to make up for this lost time. We'll see how that goes though. I do have a page of doodles to work from. Hopefully something can come from those :3c




This is just .... inSANELY good 😤 the expression work is absolutely fantastic and the variety of outfits on display is superb. Im a big fan of cat Shiori in particular 👍 Stellar stuff!

jo holloway

Not gunna lie, top center and the two bottoms are my favorites.


These all look so good, great work!