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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the June 2021 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/52158041

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/52158040 


Finishing up a sketch from last month while I get the gears starting to turn on what to work on next. I should start pulling from the suggestion thread and see if anything there catches my fancy since it's been a little while =    v =;;; Liked the idea for this being seen through the lens of a camera :3c Someone's getting a treasured memory for a while indeed :p

Struggling with the next comic page too. Need to re-evaluate what I've got so far as I feel like I'm starting to force it into being. I'll come back to that later and hopefully it comes together a lot more smoothly next attempt (_    =     v  = )_

Also, Character Suggestions for this month's poll are still Open until the 8th


Tag Links:

Suggestion Thread

Trussed Issues Comic




hehehe, super cute

Lucy L

Robyn going to make a scrapbook?


Keep up the great work!